Not another VC fund launch

We have money. Founders, come and get it.
Team Galileo
Sep 2020

For the perhaps more formal version of our launch announcement, see this post.

We love startups. So much that we went out to raise a venture capital fund to invest in them. We're excited to announce that we (finally) raised $10million and we're investing now.

We want to be the first investor in Australia and New Zealand’s most promising startups changing the world.

Stonks meme showing 'startups'

‍We want to be a different kind of venture fund, one that feels like it belongs more in 2020 than in Mad Men (well, maybe 2021 given how this year has gone).

Galileo Ventures has no gatekeepers: we don’t ask for warm introductions and encourage anyone from any background to get in touch as early as possible. 

We invest $200,000 (right away) and provide you with 12 months of support focused on helping you with go-to-market strategy so you can focus on sales, marketing and building your startup rather than endless pitches.

Our program coaches and mentors are people who are currently founders or operators. We want to give you relevant and timely advice, not advice based on building startups many years ago in a different era.

Our first cohort will start in late October 2020. If you are looking for investment, start a quick application now.

Our first program will be fully remote, and we won’t ever require startups to relocate to a particular city.

Now, more than ever, we need creative builders and doers. Apply to Galileo today.

About the Author
Galileo Ventures is a seed VC firm supporting the world's most ambitious emerging founders.
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